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Q: Is the smooth muscle of the respiratory system is controlled by the autonomic nervous system?
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What system contols glandular activity and smooth muscle?

They are controlled by the autonomic nervous system.

Which effector is not directly controlled by the autonomic nervous system?

Skeletal Muscle

Is skeletal muscle controlled by the Autonomic Nervous System?

No. Smooth muscle is controlled by the autonomic nervous system (like the intestinal muscles). Two skeletal muscles in the middle ear automatically respond to sound.

What are the effectors controlled by the autonomic nervous system?

The effectors leading to skeletal muscle.

The muscle contractions that propel food through your intestines are controlled by what nervous system?


What are the intrinsic eye muscles controlled by?

The iris and the ciliary muscle

What type of muscle is found in the walls of stomach?

The stomach wall has smooth muscle, controlled by the autonomic nervous system.

What muscle is controlled by two nerves?

All of them....or do you mean the autonomic nervous system?

What best describes the cells of unitary smooth muscle?

Smooth muscle is the involuntarily controlled muscle. In unitary smooth muscle, the cells are connected by gap junctions and are controlled by the autonomic nervous system and hormones.

Which muscle is not directly controlled by the autonomic nervous system?

smooth muscle, cardiac muscle and most glands

Which autonomic nervous system increases activity in the smooth muscle of organs?


Why is it so important for the cardiac muscles to be controlled by the autonomic nervous system?

Since continuous blood flow is necessary to keep us alive, if the cardiac muscles were NOT controlled by the autonomic nervous system, we would die as soon as we fell asleep and quit thinking about making the muscle move. Sweet Dreams...