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Q: Is the stool hard that pass through the sigmoid colon after surgery?
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What is the function of sigmoid flexure?

Sigmoid colonThe sigmoid colon is the part of the large intestine after the descending colon and before the rectum. The name sigmoid means S-shaped (see sigmoid). The walls of the sigmoid colon are muscular, and contract to increase the pressure inside the colon, causing the stool to move into the rectum.The sigmoid colon is supplied with blood from several branches (usually between 2 and 6) of the sigmoid arteries, a branch of the IMA. The IMA terminates as the superior rectal artery.

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What is the name of the storage organ for feces?

Feces is stored in the colon until defectation occurs. The more proximal portions of the colon also serve to absorb water from the feces. The rectum, which is the more distal portion of the colon, serves primarily to store feces pending defecation and is probably the answer you are looking for.

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Where Is The Stool Located?

It is produced in the colon and stored in the rectum.

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Can hemorrhoids cause bleeding with a bowel movement?

Yes. According to my colon hydro-therapist who knows a whole lot about colons. She says internal hemorrhoids can block stool from moving through the colon. Internal hemorrhoids can block stool from moving towards the anus.

Do colon cleansers cause blood in stool?

no they are not supposed to because the cleansers are used to detoxify the bowel and get rid of impurities and toxins through the process of elimination.

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When constipated and you use an enema will you still have hard stools?

Very likely, yes. The enema helps to move material through the colon but the stool itself doesn't have time to absorb much of the water. If there is looser stool behind the harder material, that will of course remain loose and will follow the harder stool.