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Q: Is the strength of a magnet affected by hot or cold temperatures?
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Does cold temperatures affect the strength of a magnet?

It dose effect because the properties get unbalanced.

Does the strength of a magnet become affected when subjected to different degrees of hot and cold temperatures?

A. A magnet has a Curie Point, a temperature beyond which it is no longer a magnet. Identified by Marie Curie. This property is used in items such as toaster timers. As far as I know there is no low temperature limit.

Does cold effect the strength of a magnet?

no. Not nesseicerally

Why does a magnet get stroger in cold water but weaker in hot water?

Because it loses it's strengths in hot water and gains strength in cold water.

How is health affected by temperature?

Temperature can definitely affect your health and cause ailments and diseases. The rising temperatures can cause dehydration and virus, while cold temperatures can cause symptoms of seasonal affected disorder.

Do cold seas cause stronger hurricanes?

Hurricane strength and frequency is generally associated with warmer ocean temperatures.

How does the magnet works on cold and hot temperature and what important idea.?

the magnet that works better is the cold magnet

Why flies hate the cold?

A fly's activity level is seriously affected by cold weather. It becomes much less active and if the cold temperatures continue, the fly will eventually die.

How is pulse rate affected by cold temperatures?

Pulse is slowedYour pulse rate slows down in cold temperatures to help maintain your body's homeostasis of the same temperature. Less blood is pumped to the surface of your skin so it will lose less heat to the external environment.

Do crystals grow larger in size in warm temperatures or cold temperatures?

cold temperature

What is the reason that a cold magnet is stronger than a hot or room temperature magnet?

A cold magnet attracts more than a hot magnet. This helps the flow of electricity which therefore helps the electric field, which therefore helps the magnetic field. They use cold magnets to power the LHC which collides hydrogen atoms. Obviously the cold magnet is very attracting.

What mineral is attracted by a magnet?

Iron is the most commonly known magnetic element, but nickel and cobalt are also magnetic elements. I believe those are the only 3 elements that are magnetic at normal temperatures. However, there are a couple that become magnetic at extremely cold temperatures.