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Yes, it is.

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Q: Is the suns gravity larger than jupiters?
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Have you found any other planets bigger than Jupiter?

No, but some telescopes have detected larger planets orbiting other suns. There are larger planets than Jupiter for they are called Super Jupiters

Is gravity on Jupiter more or less than earth?

Jupiters gravity is much more than on the earth!

Is Jupiters mass larger than earth?


What if suns gravity got stronger?

If the Sun gravity is stronger than we would get closer to the sun

How much stronger is jupiters gravity than earths?

jupiter has about 2.5 times the gravity of earth therefore the acceleration due to gravity is 26 m/s/s.

How does mass and gravity distance effect gravity?

The larger the mass of an object, the greater the force it will exert on other objects. But as the distance from that object becomes greater, the gravitational pull becomes smaller. For example, the sun has a larger mass than the earth, so gravity on the suns surface would be much greater than on earths surface. Also, as you get further and further away from the earth, the less you are influenced by its gravity.

Why is the suns gravity the most powerful of all the bodies in your solar system?

Gravity is a force that is produced by mass. Most of the mass of the solar system is in the sun; it is tremendously larger than any planet, or than all the planets put together. Therefore, it is has the most powerful gravitational field.

Is Jupiters moon big as earth?

Jupiter's largest Moon is Ganymede. It is slightly larger than the planet Mercury. As the Earth is more massive than Mercury, the answer is no.

Why do the Moon's gravity have a greater effect on earths ocean tides than the suns gravity?

Even though the suns gravitational pull is stronger than the moons and does infact effect the tides slightly, the moon is close enough to pull the tides more than the sun. Its all distance related.

Are stars really little moons?

No. Stars are much larger than planets or moons. Stars are suns, some larger and brighter than our own.

Is the gravity on mars smaller or larger then earth?

Gravity on Mars is substantially lower than on Earth.

Is the force of the suns gravity on the moon the same as the suns gravity on earth?

Not particularly. The Earth's rotation around the Solar System is controlled by the Sun but the Moon is mostly controlled by the Earth, so the Sun really has more of an influence on the Earth than the Moon.