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Q: Is the sympathetic chain composed of collateral ganglia?
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What is the sympathetic chain of collateral ganglia?

It is a bone that are paired into two that why it is called sympathetic chain....

What is the chain ganglia part of?

The sympathetic chain which is part of the peripheral nervous system.

Postganglionic fibers that innervate targets in the body wall or thoracic cavity originate on neurons within?

sympathetic chain ganglia

Why is the sympathetic chain also referred to as the paravertebral chain?

Because the sympathetic chain lies adjacent (on anterior surface) of the vertebral bodies. Para is Latin for "next to".

Why is sympathetic chain also referred to as the paravertebral chain?

Because the sympathetic chain lies adjacent (on anterior surface) of the vertebral bodies. Para is Latin for "next to".

List the division of the autonomic nervous system?

the autonomic nervous system (ANS) includes the peripheal nerves and ganglia on either side of the spinal cord ( note: some textbooks include the ANS as a division pf the peripheal nervous system both ways are correct.)

Ribulose is composed of a?

Ribulose is composed of a 5 carbon chain.

Gray rami communicantes connect to what two structures?

White rami communicantes (sing. ramus communicans) are literally white branches of communication between each spinal nerve and the sympathetic trunk. Their color is white because these lines of communication contain mainly myelinated nerve fibers of pre-ganglionic general visceral efferents from the spinal cord. Many of the pre-ganglionic nerve fibers synapse at the corresponding spinal segment level, and thus build a sympathetic ganglion at that level. Other pre-ganglionic white fibers either ascend or descend in the sympathetic trunk before synapsing in sympathetic ganglia above or below the spinal segment of origin. The sympathetic ganglia are literally knots in the sympathetic cord primarily containing cell bodies of the post-ganglionic neurons, whose axons are unmyelinated and gray in color. These unmyelinated post-ganglionic nerve fibers rejoin the spinal nerve at that level via the gray rami communicantes,as well as ascending or descending to adjacent levels. The white rami may also contain lightly myelinated sympathetic afferents whose cell bodies in the dorsal root ganglia synapse in the dorsal horn gray of the spinal cord. ANSWER: Carry preganglionic axons to the sympathetic chain

What is an annulosan?

An annulosan is a member of the Annulosa, a subkingdom of animals including forms with articulate bodies and a double ventral chain of ganglia.

Do the white communicating rami contain myelinated preganglionic sympathetic nerve fibers and are present in all apinal nerves?

Yes and No. White communicating rami contain mylinated preganglionic sympathetic nerve fibers, but are only present at the levels of spinal cord segments T1-L2 (where the cell bodies for these nerve fibers exist in the lateral horn of the spinal cord). Although the sympathetic fibers only arise in the T1-L2 spinal cord segments, they are dispersed to all spinal nerves by traveling through the sympathetic chain. The preganglionic sympathetic fibers will enter the sympathetic chain thru whit rami communicans and then do one of 4 things: 1. synapse with a postganglionic cell body in the sympathetic chain at the level it enters 2. ascend within the chain to synapse 3. descend within the chain to synapse 4. splanchnic nerves leave the chain without synapsing and synapse closer to the organ they innervate.There are, however, GRAY rami communicans for all spinal nerves.I hope that helps

What type of circulatory system do frogs have?

Frogs have 9 organ systems: the integumentary, circulatory, skeletal, digestive, muscular, nervous, respiratory, excretory and the reproductive systems.

Do both parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems operate with a chain of two motor neurons?
