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Q: Is the ugliest sea creature a manatee Explain how you could use a great paper to Draw a rectangle with a perimeter of 18 unit?
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Is a manatee called a sea cow?

No. A manatee is an entirely different creature.

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What is the body shape of a manatee?

a weird rectangle shaped watermelon lol i hate ASA'S

What sea creature starts with the letter m?

marlinManta Ray, Minnow, Mollusc, Manatee

What is a sea creature starting with the letter m?

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What creature's heart weighs approximately 1200-1400 pounds?

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Aquatic creature that starts with M?

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How many bones does a manatee have in its body?

Zero, Manatee, sharks, rays and rat fish do not have bones only cartilage. Hogwash. Manatees are mammals. They have about 200 bones.

Were can a manatee not live?

Manatees cannot live anywhere on land, they are a water creature that lives in very shallow, warm marshy, tropical waters. The Florida Manatee lives off the coast of Florida, and the Keys, in the Gulf of Mexico. But the West Indian Manatee migrates into Florida rivers during the winter months. The Amazonian Manatee lives in the Amazon River, while the West African Manatee lives along the river systems of the west coast of Africa. For more details, please see the sites listed below.

What is the name of the 2 species of a manatee?

There are 3 species of manatee. There is the West Indian manatee, the Amazonian manatee, and the Florida manatee.