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The universe is expanding but I'm not too sure about the second part. The obvious thing is that a black hole looks like a big black hole.

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Q: Is the universe expanding or is the milky way being drawn into a black hole and how would one tell the difference?
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Is the universe being consumed by the galactic black holes?

Even though black holes suck through parts of the universe, the universe is inevitably big, and growing so as the universe is being sucked into another dimension by black holes, it is also expanding.

Do you agree that the universe is expanding because of black holes?


Can the continued expansion of black holes lead to the end of the universe?

Expanding black holes don't mean the end of the universe. It is true that we don't know enough about the universe to be able to see an "end" in sight. But right now the universe is expanding, and the immense gravity of even black holes (and other matter) doesn't seem to be slowing it up at all.

Is there a black hole every day?

The universe is always expanding - there could be millions a day.

If were in space then what is space in what is space expanding into?

No one knows for sure. There are theories, but absolutely none of them can be proved, and I doubt we will ever find out. The universe is expanding firther into what was here before the big bang. Basically, nothing. The universe isn't expanding like a balloon blowing up; the universe is already there, but the objects inside it are spreading out constantly (black holes, stars, galaxies, etc.) The universe isn't expanding; the objects inside are spreading out within it.

Why the universe is black as the sun is present in the universe?

The Universe appears to be dark because space (meaning nothing), contains no matter for the sun to shine on. Also, another reason is that the universe is so large that, if you were to even try to look at the edge of the universe from outer space, the light would not exist beyond a certain point (because of the measurement of lightyears, and the never ending radius of the universe that is expanding). Thus, the universe is black.

Will one black hole eventually swallow all others?

If time were to go on infinitely, the universe were to stop expanding, and the universe didn't collapse on itself or tear apart, (a lot of prerequisites, I know) then, theoretically, yes.

What is the difference between earth and universe?

simply,the difference is that earth is a planet in the solar system and the universe is the entire infinite space containing the solar system,stars, asteroids ,black holes and all that space has to offer.

What two possibilities could happen to the universe?

The Big Crunch: Like the opposite of the big bang, the universe collapses and goes into a point of singularity. The Big Chill: The universe will keep on expanding, until there is too few galaxies and stars, which will eventually die out too, so there will be nothing in the universe but a few black holes and decayed stars and galaxies

Is this universe the product of a black hole from another verse?

There have indeed been some speculations that this may be the case. However, for now it is impossible to verify this. =========================== According to hyper sphere theory it suggest so i.e. the universe is like the event horizon of another universe from a 4 D universe's black hole. This model of the universe helps answers why the temperature of the entire universe is not uniform. According to Big Bang theory the temperature of the universe should have had been evenly distributed by now but this is not the case. A Canadian team of scientists proposed this theory that our universe might in fact be a the membrane of black hole in a 4th dimensional universe. Computer models show that the the 3 D membrane(our universe) surrounding the black hole is expanding. Like there are 2 D event horizons along the 3 D black holes we are the 3 D event horizon around a 4 D black hole called a hyper sphere.

When will a black hole hit your universe?

There are already black holes within the universe

Does the universe have a black hole?

The universe likely contains millions upon millions of black holes.