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yes. if not all of it then most of it.

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1mo ago

Corruption can exist in any government, including in the US. However, it is important to note that the US government has mechanisms in place to address corruption and promote transparency and accountability, such as investigative bodies like the FBI and rules governing political conduct.

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11y ago

sure it is lol hi people of the Earth ^.^

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Q: Is the us government corrupt
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What US state is the least corrupt?

Vermont is often considered one of the least corrupt states in the United States. It consistently ranks low on corruption perception indexes and has a reputation for transparency and accountability in government.

Is your government corrupt?

The answer to this question really depends on what government you are aiming it at. In the case of some of the African governments, yes, they are as corrupt as a very corrupt thing, but other countries like America, France, Germany. These are all safe. :)

What are the differences between right and corrupt forms of government?

A right form of government follows the rule of law, protects the rights of its citizens, and promotes the common good. A corrupt form of government is characterized by bribery, dishonesty, abuse of power, and lack of accountability, leading to oppression and inequality among its people.

What did hays believe might happen when a government becomes corrupt?

Hays believed that when a government becomes corrupt, it risks losing the trust and support of its people. This can lead to instability, erosion of the rule of law, and a breakdown of social order.

Is corruption endemic to the US government?

Corruption exists in all governments to varying degrees, including the US government. While there have been instances of corruption involving politicians and officials in the US, it is not accurate to say that corruption is endemic or widespread throughout the entire government. The US has systems in place, such as transparency measures and oversight bodies, to help prevent and address corruption.

Related questions

What US state is the least corrupt?

Vermont is often considered one of the least corrupt states in the United States. It consistently ranks low on corruption perception indexes and has a reputation for transparency and accountability in government.

What are some forces that have unified the US?

Wars, 9/11, economic crisis, corrupt government

Is the us congress corrupt?

Yes the government is corrupt there are many reason to why the government is corrupt I'll give you the simplest reason greed. company's pay people off in our government so that they get what they want like the golf coast oil spill the government was getting paid so they allowed BP to do what they wanted it is all about greed greed is every were you look the government in you in me. EVERYONE HAS GREED

What part of Vietnam was the US protecting?

The US was bolstering the Corrupt South Vietnamese government from being replaced democratically by a communist government. They did this because they wanted a base for a strategic navy presence in the area.

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Government officials who are dishonest are?


How can you use the word government in a sentence?

The government is... (Corrupt, good at their job,etc.)I (Love, hate, dislike, etc...) this government.This government is...(Corrupt, good at their job,etc.)Are the government...(And so on)

What is the roadblock to peace in the Middle East?

Corrupt government is the main reason. Islamo-Arab imperialism is the driving ideology behind such corrupt government.

Why did the US government form?

The colonists in Britain-owned America did not like the corrupt British government. They disbanded in the American Revolution and went on to form the US government, because anarchy is not necessarily a good thing. The US government was really great and full of liberty until... around 100 years ago.

What factors contributed to the communist victory in the Chinese Civil War?

Answer this question… Communist propaganda convinced many Chinese that the government was a corrupt dictatorship.

What are the major landforms of Haiti?

corrupt government

What was Lincoln Steffens against?

corrupt government.