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Q: Is the vaccine that is given to prevent smallpox contains a strain of a live?
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What did edward Jenner do to find a cure for smallpox?

No: he created a vaccine against smallpox. This eventually resulted in the successful Intensified Smallpox Eradication Programme, involving the extensive distribution of the vaccine. In July 1978, the World Health Organization announced the successful eradication of the smallpox strain Variola Minor. The last natural case of the more deadly strain, Variola Major, had occurred several years earlier, in 1975.

Is smallpox curable or preventable and how is it?

Smallpox can be prevented in the vast majority of cases with a vaccine. Vaccination can be protective for up to several days after exposure to smallpox. Smallpox has been prevented through the effective Intensified Smallpox Eradication Programme, initiated by the World Health Organization. On 26 July 1978, WHO announced the eradication of the smallpox strain Variola Minor. The more deadly strain, Variola Major, had been eradicated several years earlier, in 1975. While some other treatments available in the US today might treat smallpox infection, none have been fully (if at all) tested against smallpox.

Why does the virus in the MMR vaccine not cause measles when it is injected into a child?

Vaccinations were discovered in the late 1700's when Dr. Edward Jenner realized that milk-maids exposed to cow-pox (similar to smallpox with no ill effects on humans) did not contract smallpox like everyone else. All vaccine's work on the same principle. They use a different strain of a virus that is similar to the one the patient needs to be innoculated to, but a much weaker or slightly different strain that our immune systems can easily defeat. Whenever the immune system encounters and defeats an outside invader, the body stores that information (in a crude sense) and remembers how to fight that virus.

What strain of influenza is the seasonal flu?

Seasonal flu vaccines carry an H1N1 component, an H3N2 strain and an influenza B strain. The H1N1 component is not the Novel H1N1 strain that is in the swine flu vaccine

Who is credited with the first vaccine to protect against smallpox?

i dont know coz the internet wont tell me but this website is a con coz a someone added this

Is egg used in tetanus vaccine?

They use the eggs to fertilize the H1N1 strain. But the H1N1 strain did not culture as well, telling use that the shot is not the exact same as the normal flu vaccine. And that is why people with egg allergies are cautioned not to get the vaccines.

What is a cure for smallpox?

There is no actual cure for Smallpox. It was eradicated in 1979, so no one gets it anymore. However, many scientists believe that if an exposed person was vaccinated within a certain time frame (4 days, I think) they would not break out with the disease.

What type of printers should be used to prevent strain on wrist?

Dot matrix

What is bcg?

BCG, or bacille Calmette-Guerin, is a vaccine for tuberculosis (TB) disease. This vaccine is not commonly given in the US. Previously a routine childhood vaccine in the UK, since it is no longer routine there have been several outbreaks. For more information, see the related link.

Can smallpox be cured?

There isn't an exact cure for smallpox even though there are vaccinations which can help your white blood cells fight the disease. I can explain how the vaccination works. A vaccine is basically dead cells that are parts of the disease injected into your bloodstream that helps you gain immunity. After the strain enters your bloodstream, your white blood cells can help identify the strain of disease and treat it using antibiotics. Once your cells realize how to defeat the disease, you have gained immunity and the exact strain wouldn't be likely to affect you again. Just recently SIGA Technologies announced that BARDA (Biological and Radiological Research Authority), which is part of HHS, was to issue a $2.8B contract for a post contraction anti-viral "cure" for smallpox to be added to the national stockpile to defend against possible terrorist release of the variola virus.

Why is it important that a new vaccine be produced every year?

to avoid development of resistance of strain of bacteria or viruses.

What are some preventative actions that can be taken to control outbreaks of yellow fever?

yellow fever vaccine exists. The Arilvax vaccine is made from a live attenuated form of the yellow fever virus, strain 17D. In the United States, the vaccine is given only at Yellow Fever Vaccination Centers