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No it is a small star (about the size of Earth) that is VERY dense and quite hot (although it is not producing new energy).

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Q: Is the white dwarf a large star that is relatively cool?
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Are dwarf stars relatively hot or cool?


Are white dwarf stars always white?

No in the life cycle of a star, a white dwarf can cool and become a black dwarf

How long will it take a white dwarf to cool and fade?

It takes several hundred trillion years of a white dwarf to cool.

Match each body to its best description A. black hole an old very dense hot star that is cooling B. red giant a large star that is relatively cool C. white dwarf a an object so dense that even light c?

Black hole- an object so dense that even light cannot escape its gravity Red Giant - a large star that is relatively cool White Dwarf - an old, very dense hot star that is cooling Nebula - A mass if gas and dust

Will the sun be a white dwarf for the rest of eternity?

No. After the sun becomes a white dwarf it will eventually cool to become a black dwarf.

What do you call a small faint relatively cool star?

If it is small and cool enough it could be a "brown dwarf". If it is a little warmer it is called a "Red Dwarf".

What is the relationship between a black dwarf and a white dwarf?

A white dwarf will cool very slowly to become a black dwarf. This process will take longer than the current age of the universe.

What is a small star that only gives of faint light and are cool?

That can either be an old white dwarf, a red dwarf. or a brown dwarf.

Is a white dwarf an old dense cool star?

A white dwarf is the remains of an old star, but they still remain very hot and will continue to shine as a white dwarf for many millions of years until they gradually cool off to become black dwarfs. They are very dense.

What is a star formed from a white dwarf that has lost its energy?

A white dwarf is the last stage of 97% of star evolution. A white dwarf will eventually cool down, and become a "black dwarf". Black dwarves are not expected to exist yet; to cool down to that level, it would take longer than the current age of the Universe.

Why the color of dwarf star is red?

Only a red dwarf star is red. Our Sun is a yellow dwarf. A red dwarf is red because it is cool, and cool colours are red whereas hot colours are white and blue.

What is another name for a small old cool star?

white dwarf