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The word advertisement is a noun, a singular common noun; a word for an announcement in a public medium promoting a product, service, or event or publicizing a job vacancy; a word for a thing.

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Q: Is the word 'Advertisement' a noun?
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Related questions

Is the word advertisement a noun or a verb?

Advertisement is the corresponding noun to the verb advertise

What is the abstract word for advertise?

The abstract noun form for the verb to advertise is the gerund, advertising, a word for a concept. The noun form 'advertisement' is a concrete noun, a word for a message in physical form to be seen or heard.

What is the abstract noun of the word personal?

Abstract nouns related to the adjective 'personal' are personality and personalization. The word 'personal' is a concrete noun as a word for a type of short advertisement.

What part of speech is the word advertisement?

The word advertising is a noun and a verb. The noun form is a form of communication with the purpose to influence customer opinions on a product or service. The verb form is the present participle of the verb advertise.

What is the abbreviation for the word advertisement?

The abbriviation for the word advertisement is advti.

Is commercial a noun?

Yes, the word commercial is a noun, a singular, common, abstract noun; a word for a paid advertisement: The commercial for our new product is ready for distribution.The word commercial is also an adjective, a word that describes a noun: The commercial bread is not as good as my homemade bread.If by commercial you mean 'a commercial' then it is. If you mean 'commercial activity' then it is not. A rule of thumb, if you can put 'a' or 'the' in front of a word, then it is a noun. If you cannot, then it is not a noun.

What is the German word for advertisement?

Advertisement = Werbung

What is a sentence containing the word advertisement?

Is that a new song or is that an advertisement?

Is trailer a noun?

Yes, the word 'trailer' is a noun; a word for a structure on wheels without a motor designed to be pulled behind a motor vehicle; such a structure designed to be used as a dwelling when parked; an advertisement for a movie or television program that shows a part of its content; a word for a thing.

What is the antonym for placard?

The word placard (noun meaning a sign, a notice, an advertisement) has no direct antonym; the closest would be 'without placard' or 'placard-less'.

How do you say advertisement in Japanese?

広告 (koukoku) is the Japanese word for "advertisement".

What is the silent letter in the word advertisement?

If you spell it "advertisement", then the middle e is silent.