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Q: Is the word garden a proper noun?
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Is garden a singular noun?

No. In this case vegetable is an adjective describing the type of garden. Garden is just a regular noun.

Is the word she a proper noun?

No, the word she is not a proper noun. It is a pronoun. The word Shea is a proper noun.

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The word "Japan" is a proper noun.

Is garden proper noun?

No. In this case vegetable is an adjective describing the type of garden. Garden is just a regular noun.

Should garden be capital in a sentence?

Unless it is the name of a specific garden, and so a proper noun, or it is the first word in the sentence, then it would not be in capitals.

What is the common noun of Angie and you like to work in the garden?

Garden is the only common noun in the sentence. Angie is a proper noun; you is a pronoun.

Is the word midnight a common or proper noun?

The word midnight is a common noun. Any common noun becomes a proper noun when it is used as the name of someone or something, such as the book and movie title 'Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil' by John Berendt, or the fragrance brand 'Midnight in Paris'.

Is Felix a pronoun?

No, the word 'Felix' is a noun, a proper noun, the name of a specific person.A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun in a sentence.The pronoun that takes the place of the proper noun 'Felix' is he as a subject and him as an object in a sentence.Examples:Felix has a nice garden. He sometimes gives me flowers and I bake cookies for him.

Is garden an adjective?

No, the word gardener is a noun; a word for someone who keeps a garden; a word for a person.The word 'garden' is the adjective form, as well as a verb and a noun.

Is earth common or proper?

The noun 'earth' (lower case e) is a common noun as a general word for the substance of the land surface; a general word for soil. The noun 'Earth' (capital E) is a proper noun as the name of a specific planet.

Is Filipino a common noun or proper noun?

The noun 'Filipino' is a proper noun, a word for a person of or from the Philippines.The word 'Filipino' is also a proper adjective, a word used to describe a noun as of or from the Philippines.

Is garden a noun?

Yes the word garden is a common noun. The plural would be gardens.