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no, they said words that refer to the word slave but never just "slave"

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Q: Is the word slavery ever mentioned in the constitution?
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the word "privacy" is not actually mentioned in the Constitution

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The Constitution's framers were uncomfortable with the practice of slavery. The word slavery or slaves doe not appear anywhere in the Constitution.

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Booo you

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In Article I, Section 9, Clause 1 used the phrase "The migration and importation of such persons as any of the states now existing shall think proper to admit," to refer to the practice of slavery. So in one sense, it is argued that the Constitution has never mentioned the issue of slavery, per se, but everyone knew that that phrase meant "slavery" when the Constitution was adopted.

What is the first instance of the word slave or slavery in the constitution?

13th ammendment

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. He argued against importation of slaves and motion the word 'slavery' be withheld from the constitution

What word was used instead of slave in the us constitution?

In Article I, Section 9, Clause 1 used the phrase "The migration and importation of such persons as any of the states now existing shall think proper to admit," to refer to the practice of slavery. So in one sense, it is argued that the Constitution has never mentioned the issue of slavery, per se, but everyone knew that that phrase meant "slavery" when the Constitution was adopted.

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The word Federalism does not appear even once in the Constitution. At the time, the founding fathers essentially created a unique type of government and so it is not mentioned anywhere in the Constitution.

How many times is the word the mentioned in the us constitution?

I don't know read it and find out

Why did south pennslyvania want slavery?

In South Carolina, a quarter of the slaves achieved freedom. ... The word "slave" does not appear in the Constitution. ... The framers of the Constitution believed that concessions on slavery were the price for the support of southern delegates for a ... In June 1787, the Pennsylvania Society for the Abolition of Slavery.

How many times is the word privacy mentioned in the constitution including articles and amendments?

(1) Only once does it even say private. (The fifth amendment)(2) The Ninth Amendment reads: "The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."