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Yes. Verb's are a "doing" word and you're writing ou're doing it so yes it is

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Q: Is the word writing a verb?
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Is writes a noun?

The word 'writing' is a gerund, the present participle of a verb (the -ing form) 'to write' that functions as a nounin a sentence.The present participle of a verb also functions as an adjective.Examples:Your writing could be improved. (noun, subject of the sentence)The teacher was writing questions on the board. (verb)This was my grandfather's writing desk. (adjective)

How do you explain what is verb?

A verb is any word that shows action. You asked a question. I am writing this answer.

What is another word for pencil?

You could say "writing utensil" or "writing instrument." Or for a verb, "sketch" or something.

Is writing a direct object?

If the word "writing" is used as a noun, then it can be a direct object. Without a complete sentence, "writing" is just a word. Example: He enjoys writing. (direct object of the verb "enjoys")

What is writing in grammar?

The word 'writing' is a verb; it can also work as gerund or gerund phrase depending on the context of its use.

Is the word write a gerund?

Write is a verb. Writing is the gerund.I write stories. - verbI like writing. - gerund

Is 'was writing' a noun verb adjective or adverb?

'Was writing' is a verb phrase that consists of the past tense of the verb 'write' (was) and the present participle form of the verb write (writing).

How do you explain the tense for 'writing'?

Your question is not clear. The tense for the word 'writing' ? The word writing, if it is a verb, is called the present participle. To be past or present it must be with a word like am/is/are or was/were. was writing - past continuous is writing = present continuous But writing can also be a noun and nouns don't show tenses: His writing is very good.

Is beside a verb?

NO beside is not a word it is an action verb, which is something like running,eating,clapping,writing,talking, and stuff like that. anything that you would do is a verb.

is scribble a valve word?

Scribble is not a valve word, it is a verb. The word "scribble" is usually used to refer to illegible writing, or writing and drawing that has been done haphazzardly, without any care.

What part of speech is the word write?

The word writing is a noun. It can also be the present participle of the verb write.

What is the etymology of the word literature?

The word "literature" comes from the Latin word "litteratura," which means "writing formed with letters." It is derived from the Latin word "littera," which means "letter of the alphabet."