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Q: Is their a cream to get rid of hickeys and what is it?
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DO hickys show up on x rays?

Yes hickeys do show up on x-rays. and tooth paste does not get rid of them

How do you get rid of hickies?

There are no medical procedures to get rid of hickeys but there are several different home remedies that you can try. You can try applying ice to the hickey, brush the hickey with a toothbrush, and you can try massaging the area.

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banana cream also cream banana

How do people get hickeys?

People get hickeys by sucking on their neck and causing blood to rise which causes the redness to appear.

Quick way to get rid of hickeys?

Hickey's are bruises, plain and simple. They go away with time...If you're desperate, go try bruise remedies. Otherwise, use makeup.

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