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Well, the original four are the Boomer, Hunter, Smoker and Tank.

They have added three more.

The Charger, who can knock you off your feet.

The Spitter, who spits infected mucus in an area, and you take damage when in that area.

And the Jockey, who can jump on Survivor's backs and steer them into places, like other infected.

Well not really theres another infected called the spiker : throws debris of his back

and yes his back has spikes on it but its not confimed.the charger can dash and all but he is immune to bashing so rifle butting wont work.So i suggest you trick him off precipice.

THE Spitter can spit and all but it has really low life and it has very little combat skills to resort too

the jockey can jump on your back but... it would have to crouch and wait for you to come to get on your back. It can easily be killed in combat.

And finall y the witch now called the wandering witch she can wander around and itll be more diffucult to get past her. her health is 500/1000 that's a...............lot

but valve is still toying with the fourth new infected well just have to wait till it comes out

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Q: Is their a fourth special infected in left 4 dead 2?
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there is no fast zombie in left 4 dead...there is however a fast special infected. The hunter is without a dout the fastest special infected in left 4 dead.

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In Left 4 Dead who were the Infected?

The Special Infected were the Boomer, Smoker, Hunter, Tank, and the Witch. The Common Infected are everyone but the Four Survivors.

Do left for dead smokers shoot their tongue?

Yes, Left 4 Dead "Smoker" special Infected do shoot their long tongues at players.

Does left 4 dead 2 have versus mode?

Yes it does you can as 1 of the 4 survivors or switch between special infected on the infected team

How do you make thing appear in left 4 dead?

sv_cheats 1z_spawnz_spawn witchz_spawn (special infected name)

What is a charger in left 4 dead?

Its a special infected that can charge at survivors, pick them up, carry them to a wall, then start pounding them. It is probably also the sturdiest Special infected outside of the tank.

How do you become a zombie on left 4 dead?

You can't become a zombie, but you can play on versus and become a special infected.

When you play left 4 dead which infected are special infected?

The ones with special capabilities that are different from regular zombies: SMOKER:Tongue Puller BOOMER:Vomiter WITCH:Cry baby HUNTER:Jumper TANK:Muscle man Hope this helps

Do uncommon common infected in left 4 dead 2 have special abilites?

Unless you mean the level special infected (Swampy mudmen, Hazmat zombies) No the commo infected do nothing but swarm and damage you a little. But there are special infected that spawn specific to the campaign your doing. Look them up if that's what you mean.

What the infected in left 4 dead used to be?

in the first left 4 dead the infected where the spitter, smoker, hunter, tank, witch, hord

What is the best left 4 dead game?

left 4 dead 2 you get more guns another handgun called a Magnum and more melee weapons and more maps and new special infected