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It is impossible to pinpoint exactly when a boy is going to "hit" puberty because the telltale signs we look for to indicate puberty tell us when puberty has started, not when it WILL start.

Puberty is marked by the developement of "secondary sexual characteristics". In boys, these are things like having a growth spurt, your voice cracking and getting deeper, starting to grow coarse hair on your legs, underarms and pubic region, growing bigger muscles, and broader shoulders. You testicles grow larger, the scrotum may become darker and hang more loosely; your left testicle starts to hang a little lower than the right. Essentially, all the things you associate with older boys and men, start happening to you.

Some of these changes may seem to take forever to start, especially when you are waiting for them. Adults are going to say things like "don't worry" and "be patient", but if your friends are starting their development earlier than you are (and some will), this can be of little comfort. You will mature physically in your own time, and the best way to make sure that happens, is to eat right, and keep physically active.

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11y ago

Nope there is no way of telling.

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11y ago

No there is not.

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If growing taller was possible at any age can shrinking be possible at any age too?

Growing taller after puberty (18-25 years old) is impossible without surgery or a defective pituitary gland. However, growing shorter after puberty is common, if not universal. In short, the only way to change height dramatically after puberty is through surgical procedure to lengthen the lower leg.

At what age girls get puberty?

any age from 9-18.

You just want to know why your daughter have already pubic hairs as she is only 8 years old?

Puberty starts at any age, some girls start at an extremely young age, I myself know of a girl who has finished puberty at the age of 9 and 3/4, and some do not begin until their late teens. It is completely normal, however it is wise you educate your children about puberty when you see they have started.

Is any chance to increase height after puberty in the age of 9 and half?

Yes you will get taller during puberty.

Can a 8 year old girl go into puberty?

Yes, nine is a little earlier than most boys go through puberty, but it is not considered abnormal. The term for abnormally early puberty is precocious puberty and for boys it would be an onset of puberty before the age of 9.

Do girls get puberty when there a11?

No at any age beetween 8yrs-15yrs

When are testosteron levels the highest?

In the morning at any age and during puberty.

Is it normal to have sideburns mustache and neck hair at age of 13?

I think you usually get it a tad later, but a lot of boys are starting puberty at your age. I know a girl with neck hair and she's 14. It all depends on when you started puberty. The earlier you start, the earlier you will grow hair in places you hadn't any. Puberty can begin at 9 or 10-years-old for some people but it is rarer than the average age of 12.

Are there any hair on the girls hand?

It depends on the girl but yes, it's possible, especially after puberty

At what age do Arabic people go through puberty?

There is no difference.Just like any other human :D, they go puberty between 9 to 14 years...

What age does a short eleven year old hit puberty?

any time from 12-16

Can you make puberty happen?

No, you can't make Puberty happen on your own. It happens naturally in most cases when your hormones increase. In late Puberty it is possible to make it happen with hormone replacement treatment. Your Doctor is best placed to answer any questions about this if you have any worries.