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Q: Is their anything you can buy to help hold a loose front tooth in?
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What if you have an extra tooth that is blocking the front tooth from coming out?

Get dental help.

What element is added to thoothpaste and city water systems to help tooth decay?

I do not believe that anything is added to help tooth decay. Fluorides are added to fight (not help!) tooth decay.

What is the other way to write when you have loose tooth?

I do not see why a loose tooth should affect how you write unless you happen to have lost the function of your arms and use your mouth to hold a pen/pencil. If so, I suggest you seek help.

What is school dentist?

school dentist is when yo are a dentist for schools and that yo help with tooth pain , loose teeth and so on

Can milk help your permanent teeth that are loose?

No. Tooth decay is irreversible. While the calcium in milk can help make teeth stronger, it cannot help reverse damage that has been done to them. If your teeth have been so badly neglected that they are falling out, the only thing to do is have them removed before they cause a serious infection.

How does a narwals big tooth help them?

it doesnt it cant help it with getting food or anything like that its like 1 of there tusks

How do you pull out a tooth?

Without pain: if you want to pull out a loose tooth with no pain, this is what you do. Wiggle your tooth back and forth and up and down. If it doesn't come out then, take a Kleenex and put the Kleenex over your tooth. Pinch your tooth really hard and pull it out. It wont hurt.With pain: if you want to pull a loose tooth out with pain (if you don't really mind), this is what you do. Wiggle your tooth for about 10 minutes. Take some pliers and pinch the tooth. Gently pull out the tooth. It usually doesn't hurt. This is the classic tooth-pulling strategy.I hope you guys get your money from the Tooth Fairy! *wink* Bah-bye, now!

My Hamster had one long tooth and one short then all of a sudden it fell out when he washed him self u got to help me?

If its a front tooth it has probably broken off and another should grow. If any tooth just falls out for no reason, take the hamster to the vet.

Pain 2 months after having upper molar 15 removed please help?

See your dentist for an xray and exam. You may have a loose piece of bone or part of the tooth remaining.

Should you eat after a tooth extraction?

You can eat after a tooth extraction, but you will be limited to soft foods like eggs or jello. It also depends on what area of the mouth the tooth was pulled from - if it was at the back, you may find it possible to nibble on foods with your front teeth. If it was closer to the front, however, you will probably find it uncomfortable to bite down. After eating, always remember to flush your mouth with a warm salt water solution to help prevent infection and promote healing.

2001 Cavalier sqeaky noise from right front end?

That squeaky noise you hear is a loose hub cap. Mine was doing the same thing till i changed the tires on it. i believe you can just make sure its tight if it doesn't help there isn't really anything you can do

How will the dentist treat a tooth with a small hole in the front of it?

The whole is most likely from a cavity so they will put a filling in it. Most likely the dentist will get you numb. When you are numb they will drill out any decay and then shape the whole so it will hold a filling properly. If it is a front tooth, you will get a tooth colored filling. If it is a back tooth, you could get a silver filling or a tooth colored filling. That depends on your insurance, the docotor and you. If you have more questions, the dentist should answer any of them before beginning the work.