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Q: Is their more of chance of getting pregnant when period has stop?
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Do you have more of a chance of getting pregnant while on your period?

no you dummy if i were u i wouldn't have sex on my period n-e-way ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww that's nasty.......bloody penis

Does it mean you have more chance of being pregnant or less chance if you get your period a day or two after having sex?

There is no chance. If you have your period, you aren't pregnant. Actually, some women have their peroids while being's not that common, but it does happen. You're more than likely not tho'. i had sex and then got my period a day or two later and i am not pregnant

Is their any chance of getting pregnant even with the protection?

Depending on what type/ how much protection, there is usually always a chance of getting pregnant. If only a condom is being used, then it is absolutely still possible to get pregnant (the condom can break). The more protection used, the lesser the chance of getting pregnant, BUT the only way to prevent pregnancy 100% is not to engage is sexual intercourse at all.

Do your chances of becoming pregnant while on the pill increase the more?

They do not. Taking the pill decreases the chance of getting pregnant, but it is still possible to become pregnant on the pill.

Could you be pregnant if period is a day late you have breast tenderness and light cramping?

If you have had sex, then you can be pregnant. However, it sounds more like your body is getting ready to start your period.

Can slightly tender breast mean your pregnant?

Yes slightly tender breast can mean your pregnant. However, it can also mean your are on your period or about to start a period - premenstrual. There is also a slight chance it can be something more serious.

Do you have more chances of getting pregnant off pre-ejaculate while obvulating?

Yes, there is always a increased chance of getting pregnant when ovulating. When you don't ovulate there is no egg so you can't get pregnant although a orgasm can make you ovulate again.

Is there more of a chance to get pregnant on antiboitics?


Is it true that if you dont think too much about getting pregnant when your trying for a baby that you are more likely to get pregnant?

No. You are more likely to get pregnant by having sex when you are ovulating. This usually is in the middle of your cycle, about 2 weeks after your period.

What day of your period can you get pregnant?

You can get pregnant at any time but you are more likely to get pregnant 14 days after your period

Can you get pregnant when feetile?

Yes, a person has more of a chance to get pregnant when they are fertile.

Are you more likely to get pregnant right after your period is over?

No. You can get pregnant before, during and after your period.