

Is theory a fact

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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well, a theory is a general idea about something,so i do not think so.

*A theory is a hypothesis well accepted by the scientific community. So I wouldn't think it was a fact considering a hypothesis is an educated guess.

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No it is a possible solution.

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Q: Is theory a fact
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Theories tend to Remain a Pseudo Fact, until proven otherwise, the theorist, is under no obligation to Prove his Theory, which makes anyone capable of writing a Theory, without using any Facts whatsoever. Of course it's always advisable to throw a few facts around within the Theory, to add some Credibility to your Theory. Remember if you could prove a theory as Fact, then it would no longer be a Theory, but a Fact.

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In theory as opposed to fact?

In theory refers to ideas or concepts that are hypothetical or abstract, and may not necessarily be proven or tested. It is based on principles, assumptions, or models that have not been validated in practice. Conversely, in fact pertains to realities that have been observed, measured, or verified through evidence or experience.