

Is there 2 meaning of tireless?

Updated: 6/24/2021
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Q: Is there 2 meaning of tireless?
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Related questions

What is tireless in Tagalog?

The word "tireless" in Tagalog is translated as "walang kapaguran."

What is the noun for tireless?

Tireless is an adjective. The corresponding noun is tirelessness.

What part of speech is tireless?

'tireless' is an adjective. Adjectives describe things or 'nouns'example -The runner was tireless. 'Tireless' describes the condition of the runner ie. they do not seem to get tired . 'Runner' is a noun; 'tireless' describes the noun.p.s. If a car was without tyres it would be 'tyreless' :)

How do you you tireless in a sentence?

The runner's legs were tireless as they carried him through the race. It was only through his tireless investigation that the accused was found to be innocent.

How do you use the word tireless in a sentence?

The tireless efforts of the patrol kept database clean.

Can you give me a sentence using tireless?

today i worked 8 hours and i feel tireless.

Use the word tireless in a sentence?

When I am really interested in something I am doing, I feel tireless - I could stay on task for hours.

What is a sentence using the word TIRELESS?

When I am really interested in something I am doing, I feel tireless - I could stay on task for hours.

Can you use tireless in a sentence?

Yes, you can.

How do you use tireless?

It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds.

What is another word for never tiring?

tireless, energetic

How do you capture the tireless thief in ghost story?

you dont