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Atheists have no doctrine they are not a religion. Atheism is simply a disbelief in a god.

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"The Golden Compass" is based on the book "Northern Lights" by Philip Pullman, who is known for his atheistic views. The story does explore themes of free will, science, and the rejection of organized religion. While the movie adaptation tones down some of the anti-religious elements, the overall narrative still reflects Pullman's critiques of religious institutions.

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Q: Is there Atheist doctrine in the movie the golden compass?
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Iorek_Byrnisonis the name of the armoured bear in the movie Golden Compass. Ian McKellan was the voice of the bear. He was also Gandalf in the Lord of the Rings Trilogy and Magneto in the X-Men movies.

When was the film The Golden Compass released?

"The Golden Compass" is a fantasy adventure movie based on the Philip Pullman novel of the same name. The film was released in 2007 and was met with mixed reviews.

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"The Golden Compass" is a fantasy novel by Philip Pullman that has been criticized by some groups for its anti-religious themes, including criticism of organized religion. Some individuals and groups have associated the themes in "The Golden Compass" with the representation of an Antichrist figure due to its portrayal of characters challenging religious authority and questioning traditional beliefs.

Is Golden Compass the movie good?

i thought it was good when i first watched it i would recomend it for you