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Q: Is there a antypiosin for blood posining?
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yes if ink gets in your blood stream you can be poisoned but normally it won't affect your life

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He had food posining from Ecoli

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Yes it can make you sick/ food posining

What is the food posining?

abbey smiley is the most posinous person i have no idea what the most posinous food is by jade

What is the study of poisonous substances and their effect upon the human body?

The study of posonous stuff is medicine, snakes posine, blood only if drinkable by other person than their selves blood, skin posining by plants called terestrian. These are the studdies of posionous stuff.

What is the California Condor's predator besides humans?

eagles, coyotes, power lines, shotguns, and lead posining\and stuff like that cause i am awsome

Are 10-day old tamales still safe to eat?

NO! DEFINENTLY DO NOT EAT! it will make your stomache hurt and its kind of like having food posining!

What food can you get food posining off?

Well, it really depends... if the food you're eating is undercooked, then you MIGHT get it, or if it's not approved by the food committee, or whatever, then it may be contaminated...

Is mercury posining slow and painful?

Yes, it is. It kills your brain cells slowly and that causes pain to the family of the person. Yes, it is. It kills your brain cells slowly and that causes pain to the family of the person.

Why are egg whites used as an antidote for food poisoning?

because the egg white is what infact the baby chicks feed on and it just so happens it cures food posining in the crazy world of medicne

What can be the result of drinking large amounts of alcohol?

acholol posining my brothaa, long term...liver damage/even death..sorry im kinda drunk now hahahaa