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To become an EPF agent you have to be 30 days old or get a friend who is in the EPF to send you a note.

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Q: Is there a certain amount of days you have to wait to be a epf on club penguin?
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Related questions

Can you be a agent for free in Club Penguin?

Yes. Only EPF agents have to pay. But you have to be a certain amount of days old.

How you get 10000000000000000 gold on Club Penguin?

Play games on Club Penguin for days and days and days.

How many days to be a spy in club penguin?

It takes 30 days to be a spy, and 45 days to be a tour guide in club penguin.

How much days old do you have to be to be a tour guide in Club Penguin?

you have to be 45 days old to be a club penguin tour guide

What happens when you quit Club Penguin?

If you quit club penguin, your account will be automatically deleted in 60 days.

How many days old do you have to be to become a secret agent in Club Penguin?

In order to become a secret agent in Club Penguin, your penguin must be a full 30 days old

How do you become a tour guide in less than 45 days on club penguin?

Club penguin counts how many days old each account is. There is no way other than to own a penguin that is 45 days or older; member or not.

How do you get 100 on Club Penguin?

You can either be on Club Penguin for 100 days or get 100 coins by playing games around the island.

How do you get Club Penguin certificate?

If you play and use your club penguin account lots in approximately 6 days it will appear in your mail box!

How old can your Penguin Be on Club Penguin?

As old as however many days you have played club penguin. If you have played for a year then your penguin is 365 days old. Some penguins rumor that a penguin can be maximum 15 years old however, it cant be proven true yet.

On Club Penguin what is the Club Penguin army?

Its a group of penguins that call them self ACP (Army Club Penguin) and have battles against other Club Penguin Armies! Another good army is the Lux Leprecons. That is not true there is no such thing as the "club penguin army" trust me i have been playing for 567,890,745 days. the second awnser is correct there is no club penguin army its just a lame joke

How do you delete your coins on club penguin?

You can delete a club penguin account by not playing it for 90 days. Then the crew will ban it because it hasn't been active for a certain amount of days.