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Q: Is there a chance he loves me but avoids me We had a very complicated relationship?
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Barbara. Koriand'r loves Dick Grayson much more than he loves her. She was more of an exciting relationship for him after becoming the leader of the Titans. This is mostly explained in the Nightwing annual that explains Dick and Barbara's complicated relationship.

If a guy has told you over and over that he loves you but then when you all get in a relationship he leaves you for his ex multiple times should you give him another chance?

No dump him and forget about him

What one has to do if a guy who loves you as much you love him avoids and ignores you?

give him his space, then try to talk it out with him dood.

Wife has asked you to leave saying she no longer loves you and wants space now she says her relationship is complicated?

Her relationship with who is complicated. I'd ask that and if the answer is you than you need to talk about it. If it is with someone else leave. Either way some time apart might help both of you either appreciate the other once again. I'd get into counceling.

If a man feels close to you and then runs does it have a chance?

If a man runs, he is not afraid of losing you. A man that loves you will not risk ruining the relationship or losing you to another man. A man that is chased may not say around a long time in the relationship.

What should you do if the person you have feelings for is in another relationship?

honestly it depends on you and them if they are in love with that person and you have like no chance wit them then move on but if he loves you and got love for you den you wait for your love

What if he loves me but avoids me?

Well...If h really loved ou he woouldnt avoid you! Slightly obvious...confront him straight away!!

What is loves second chance?

Loves second chance..hmm.. Well, its like making up with your ex-girlfriend/ex-boyfriend again.

Will he last in his rebound relationship if he really loves me?

no his relationship wont last!

What type of food does greyson chance like?

Greyson Chance LOVES Mexican-Food!!!! :)

I love a woman who is in a relationship with another man she and i spend a lot of time together and we are very close is there a chance for a relationship with this woman?

It would be best to put the woman out of your mind. It is self-tormenting to lust after a woman who you cannot be with. You have to accept that she loves another man.

Does Greyson Chance loves dancing?

i think yes