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No there aren't any cheat codes. You have to buy a vampire or werewolf potion from the fortune teller. You can call her on your phone.

Don't listen to the guy or gal above this-------------- there is a cheat for vampire only though. here it is: boolprop TestingCheatsEnabled true (to get the cheat bar up you press and hold shift than press c) and then shift click the sim you want to be a vampire. Click more until you see "Make Vampire" and then wala! Your sim's a vampire. but beware------- feed the sim well and make sure that he isn't up in daylight or he will die!!! and that's why all of me sims arn't a vampire. If you wish for the sim to be normal again, call the machmaker girl and greet her. after that click buy p somthing. it has vamp in it so you will know and to get the werewolf cure you call the obience trainer and greet her and then buy the p somthing with the first letter L. thx for reading!

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Q: Is there a cheat on Sims 2 Bon Voyage PC or Sims 2 Deluxe PC to turn a sim into a vampire or werewolf?
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What is the vampire cheat on the sims2?

You need either the Sims 2 Deluxe edition, or the Nightlife expansion pack. You have to go downtown, then meeet the Head Vampire. Make him your friend and he will bite you. Then you can have a VAMPIRE! :[ :)

Can you become a vampire on Sim's 2 double deluxe PC?

yes you sure can if you have a cheat you can become one or you have to get like 90% good relationship with a vampire! good luck

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press c shift and ctrl to open the cheat box. in the cheat box type in : boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true type it in exactly how i typed it in press enter. then press your sim while holding down shift and then it will show some options and one of them is be a vampire click it and the sim you selected will be a vampire hope this helped.!

How do you turn into a vampire in The Sims Double Deluxe?

In the Sims 2 Deluxe, you can turn into a vampire! When I want my Sims to turn into vampires, I use a special cheat. You hit Control+Shift+C, and a white box will appear at the top of your screen. You type boolprop testingcheatsenabled true, and then you hold down the Shift button, and click on your Sim. A new menue appears, and then you hit the "More" button. You will find "Make Vampire" as a choice. If you click it, your Sim will turn into a vampire! This is the easiest way to turn your Sim into a vampire. Hope this helps!

How do you get to the vampire hang out in Sims 2 double deluxe?

There isn't a specific place where the vampires always are, you just have to search the community lots at night until you find one. There's also a cheat. Type in boolprop testingcheatsenabled true in the cheat window (cntrl+shift+c) and then shift+click on your character and say 'make vampire'

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How do you get a vampire on the sims 2 double deluxe?

one way is to get the cheat box open(shift-ctrl-c) type in boolprop testingcheatsenabled true then shift click a mailbox click on npc click on "Grand Vampire" a male or Female will come to your lot *Note* do this at night the vampire will flee if you do it during the day

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What is the cheat code for money on the Sims Deluxe Edition?

To get $50,000 on Sims 2 Deluxe, type "motherlode".

Is there any way to make a werewolf come to your lot on sims or any cheat to do that or to make them a werewolf?

Yes, go on YouTube and look up "Sims 2 werewolves cheat".

Sims 2 double deluxe twins cheat code?

Type in forcetwins in the cheat box.