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Q: Is there a city called Touche in Washington state?
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Where is Washington Not the state or DC just Washington?

Many states have a city named Washington. For example, Illinois has a city called Washington.

Is Washington is country?

Washington is not a country. There is a US state in the northwest called Washington, and the nation's capital is a city called Washington, D.C. D.C. stands for the District of Columbia.

Is the state of Washington a city?

Yes. Washington DC is the capital of the United States.

Is there a place named Richmond in Washington?

If you are talking about Washington state there is a city named Richland in Eastern Washington state. There is Also a neighborhood in the north of Seattle, Washington (State) called Richmond Beach. There is also a City named Richmond In the state of Virginia.

What is the US county's capital?

The Capital of the United States is the city of Washington. Washington is located not in a state, but in the District of Columbia. To distinguish between the city and the state of a Washington, the national capital is often called Washington, DC.

What is the state capitol of Washington?

Olympia is the state capital of Washington

Is Tacoma the capital of Washington state?

Olympia is the capital city in Washington.

Is there a Washington D.C. in the state of Washington?

No. Washington, D.C. is a city on the east coast. In this case Washington is the city name and District of Columbia is the district. Washington, DC is not in a state for political reasons. The state of Washington is on the west coast.

Is Seattle a city or state?

Seattle is a city, not a state. It is in the state of Washington.

What is was Washington called before it was a state when it was a territory?

In the 19th century, it was called the Federal city or Washington city. The city was named after George Washington, the first President of United states.

What is cit and what is the state for Washington D.C.?

The city itself is called Washington. Washington is not in a state; it is located in a district called the District of Columbia (that is where the DC in Washington, DC comes from). It is between Maryland and Virginia; all the land in the District of Columbia once belonged to Maryland.

In what city is washingtons state capital located?

Olympia is the capital city in Washington.