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Stanford University is in California.

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Q: Is there a college named Stanford on the east coast?
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Louth is on the east coast of Ireland.Louth is on the east coast of Ireland.Louth is on the east coast of Ireland.Louth is on the east coast of Ireland.Louth is on the east coast of Ireland.Louth is on the east coast of Ireland.Louth is on the east coast of Ireland.Louth is on the east coast of Ireland.Louth is on the east coast of Ireland.Louth is on the east coast of Ireland.Louth is on the east coast of Ireland.

When was Stanford Journal of East Asian Affairs created?

Stanford Journal of East Asian Affairs was created in 2001.

Is there two Washington states?

There are not two states named Washington. There is one state named Washington, on the northwest Pacific coast. There is also a city named Washington, the Federal Capitol located on the east coast.

What is the sea called on the east coast of Tasmania?

The sea on the east coast of Tasmania is the Tasman Sea. Named after explorer Abel Tasman, it lies between Australia and New Zealand.

Australian town named after a number?

Town of 1770 is named after the year James Cook charted the east coast of Australia.

Is Atlanta an east coast city?

No. Atlanta is located in the Northwest part of the state.

Is The East Coast School of Art and Design in Grimsby a College?

Yes it is, its part of the Grimsby Institute - just a different site. I attend the East Coast School of Art and Design in Grimsby

Is Dublin a maritime county?

Yes, Dublin is on the east coast of Ireland.Yes, Dublin is on the east coast of Ireland.Yes, Dublin is on the east coast of Ireland.Yes, Dublin is on the east coast of Ireland.Yes, Dublin is on the east coast of Ireland.Yes, Dublin is on the east coast of Ireland.Yes, Dublin is on the east coast of Ireland.Yes, Dublin is on the east coast of Ireland.Yes, Dublin is on the east coast of Ireland.Yes, Dublin is on the east coast of Ireland.Yes, Dublin is on the east coast of Ireland.

How did the transcontinental railroad get its name?

I was named for connecting East to West America. It gave access from coast to coast of the continent. That is how it got its name, the Transcontinental Railroad.