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Q: Is there a comma before or after in addition to?
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Is there a comma before or after in addition?


Such as a comma b and c or a comma b comma and c People say the last comma before and is not necessary?

last comma before the and is not necessary

Is there a comma before and after the word or?

A comma is typically placed before "or" when it separates independent clauses in a sentence. However, a comma is not needed after "or" in most cases.

Do you use a comma before Jr?

Yes, you should use a comma before "Jr." when writing a person's name to separate the person's last name from the suffix. For example, "John Smith, Jr."

Comma before or after the word but?

The comma should come before the word "but" when it is used to separate two independent clauses. For example: "I wanted to go to the store, but it started raining."

Is there a comma after but?

no. if but before is a sentence on its on and after but is a sentence on its own then put a comma before but.

Does an comma go before or after 'so'?

A comma typically goes before "so" when it is used at the beginning of a sentence to indicate a reason or result. However, when "so" is used as a conjunction in the middle of a sentence, it does not usually need a comma before it.

Does a comma go before the word in?

No, a comma does not go before the word 'in'.

Do you put a comma before or?

The comma goes after.

Do you put a comma before or after a conjunction?

You typically place a comma before a conjunction when it separates two independent clauses. If the conjunction connects two words or phrases, a comma is not necessary.

Do you write comma before and?

Not necessarily. There is no word in English that requires a comma after it or before it.

Would you out a comma before at all?

No, you don't have to put a comma before at all.