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Q: Is there a connection between pleurisy and endometriosis?
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How long does pleurisy last?

How long does pleurisy last

What is pleurisy in animals?

Pleurisy in animals happens in the respiratory system. Pleurisy is the formation of a very thick layer of membrane over the lungs. Both humans and animals can get pleurisy.

What is another name for pleurisy?

Pleurisy, also called pleuritis

When does Endometriosis strike?

It most commonly strikes between the ages of 25 and 40

What is viral pleurisy?

Pleurisy is swelling of the thin layers of tiddue covering the lungs and chest wall. Viral pleurisy would be swelling caused by a virus.

Can X-ray diagnose pleurisy?

Yes- x-rays can diagnose pleurisy as well as any other fluid in the chest cavity or in the lungs. Pleurisy is seen as an area of consolidation(which appears white on film) it may settle in the bases of the lungs or in between the fissures of the lobes of the lungs. Pleurisy is fluid in the pleural cavities of the lungs. This answer is provided by Ricardo A. Scott RTR, BA, M.S.R., JD.- Medico-legal radiology consulant.

What is it called when a baby has air and fluid around the lung instead of in the lung?

Pleurisy Pleurisy

Are black mold and pleurisy related?

Pleurisy is a symptom that can be caused by many different fungus, molds, parasites, and viruses. Black mold can cause an infection that causes pleurisy.

Can a person have chronic pleurisy without lupus?

Yes, a person can have chronic pleurisy without lupus.

Is endometriosis communicable or non-communicable?

Endometriosis is noncommunicable disease.

Does IUD cause endometriosis?

Mirena can reduce the symptoms of endometriosis

What is 'endometriosis' in Romanian?

The Romanian language equivalent of "endometriosis" is "endometrioză".