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god knows the higher power knows the cia knows everyone in alphi pi omega know stocks Disney tom sapp Gregory john san miguel blas greg bodner frank blas bamba masatomo thomas nadeau green apo third order recollects of the holy sacred sign of the order of st. Benedict god bless the earth

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Q: Is there a cure fo pellagra?
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How do you cure pellagra?

Pellagra can be cured by taking nicotinamide. The nicotinamide can be found in pill form and will reverse the condition of pellagra.

Why was nicotinic acid considered a miracle cure?

Nicotinic acid was considered a miracle cure because a person suffering from Pellagra could be cured in just a few days time by taking the vitamin. Pellagra causes sores on the skin, loss of appetite, and can even cause mental problems.

Is there a cure fo color blindness?

No, unfortunately, there is currently no cure for color blindness. There also is absolutely no treatment for this ailment either.

What evidence did Dr.Goldberger conclude about pellagra?

he knew in the south every had pellagra

Is pellegra an infectious disease?

Pellagra is not an infectious disease. Pellagra is a nutritional deficiency disease.

What is the prognosis of pellagra?

Untreated pellagra will continue progressing over the course of several years, and is ultimately fatal.

What is the cause of primary pellagra?

Primary pellagra results when the diet is extremely deficient in niacin-rich foods.

What did dr.goldberger do provide evidence of the relationship between pellagra and nutrition?

Dr.Goldberger did an experiment to see what caused pellagra

What did dr.Goldberger do to provide evidence of the relationship between pellagra and nutrition?

Dr.Goldberger did an experiment to see what caused pellagra

What are the 4 D's of pellagra?

The 4 D's of pellagra are dermatitis (skin rash), diarrhea, dementia (mental confusion), and ultimately death if left untreated. Pellagra is caused by a deficiency of niacin (vitamin B3) in the diet.

What phobia is the fear of pellagra?


What is is the pellagra squad?

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