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No. The best is that you try to prevent more damage.

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Q: Is there a cure for a fibroatelectatic lung?
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There is no full cure for lung cancer.

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Right now, there is no cure for cancer. my grandmother died from it. lung cancer. but there is NO cure for cancer. unless you find out soon enough and cut off like 1 lung if you have lung cancer and find out soon eough

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Highly unlikely, if not impossible.

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No. If you want to cure lung cancer, you need to see a Doctor and check into a hospital. Eating cheese, or any other type of food, or consuming any type of liquid is Not going to cure Any kind of cancer.

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There is no cure, but vaccines can prevent it. If one gets polio, there are treatments but mostly they are just supportive treatments like the iron lung.

What is the cure for asbestos?

Asbestos is a mineral, not a disease requiring a cure. Several diseases are caused by asbestos. There is no cure for asbestosis, a scaring of the lungs. But there are treatments that can alleviate is effects for a time. Lung cancer caused by asbestos is treated and "cured" the same way other lung cancers are - surgery, chemotherapy, hope. Mesothelioma, another cancer caused by asbestos, has no cure and no effective treatment.

Is THC really a cure for Emphysema?

There is no cure for emphysema-- except lung or heart-lung transplant (which likely would not be done). THC will NOT cure emphysema. The person using THC just won't care as much that they can't get air-- and, because of that effect on the body/brain, the person could stop breathing from THC.

Does radon help cure cancer?

Yes, but it can also cause cancer especially lung cancer

What is oil of sulphur?

I believe it is what alchemists called sulphuric acid. Inhaling it was claimed to cure lung conditions!!!!!

If I detect my symptoms of lung cancer early, can I possibly cure my lung cancer?

Early detection in any form of cancer can potentially mean you can save/ prolong your life. It is always important to find out early but then again how early is early. This also is a big factor. When dealing with lung cancers the fact that you diagnose it early is good but as to "curing/ treatment" it all depends on the type of lung cancer. There are various types of lung cancer and the treatment can be very different. Prevention is better then cure. Say no to smoking!

Does weed help cure cigarette cancer?

It is the only cure I have found for my migraines. Imitrex in pill form doesnt help or made it worse. With the risk of the higher dosage shot might make it alot worse, Im not going to risk it. I already found what works. FASTER THAN BC OR GOODIES ; ) !!>