

Is there a cure for folate in birth defects?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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Your question doesn't make sense. Folate is a nutrient you get from food and/or supplements. Nutrients do not need cures.

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Q: Is there a cure for folate in birth defects?
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A mineral that prevents birth defects?

the answer is folate.

Why do you need folate?

to prevent birth defects

What vitamin prevents some birth defects and can be found in green leafy vegetables liver and yeast?

The vitamin is Folic Acid.

In Which vitamin prevents some birth defects and can be found in green leafy vegetables liver and yeast?

Folate/folic acid

What is formed from the neural tube?

The neural tube forms the spinal cord and brain. Mistakes in the formation of these structures seems to be more common in folate deficiency. Women who may become pregnant are advised to take folate to prevent these birth defects.

Folate deficiency during pregnancy is associated with what?

Neural tube defects.

How long do you have to fast before a folate blood test?

You cannot eat or drink anything for 8 to 10 hours before having a folate blood test. This test is done to check for anemia, malnutrition, and to ensure birth defects do not happen to a fetus.

Which vitamins prevent birth defects?

Folic Acid is usually recommended to women. It is normally taken before you get pregnant as it is used to help prevent Spina Bifida. It has been shown that a developing baby needs this supplement to develop.By the time you know your pregnant the neural tubes are developed. Having said that you can eat green vegetables and other foods that contain folic acid.

What percentage of neural tube defects is related to the mother's intake of folate before and during pregnancy?

Before the mid-1990s, about three quarters of neural tube defects could be traced to low folate levels in the mother. Since foods (mostly cereals) and prenatal vitamins now contain folate, there has been a 75% decrease in the rate of neural tube defects in the U.S. So, nowadays, the percentage of neural tube defects related to the mother's lack of folate intake is quite small, although the exact percentage has not been studied.

Did Jesus have any birth defects?

No he did not have any birth defects.

What are the various birth defects?

There are thousands of identified birth defects. Birth defects are abnormal developments present at birth that can cause physical or mental disability. Some, but not all are fatal.

Low intake of which vitamin contributes to birth defects?

The most common one is Folic acid or folate which is a B vitamin. It is also referred to as vitamin B₉.