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The age limit varies according to the lineage and monastery you might join.

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Although some sects may have concerns there should be no age or sex based limits.

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Q: Is there an age limit for becoming a buddhist nun?
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What is the yungest age you can be if you what to be a nun?

The minimum age to become a nun varies by religious tradition and convent, but generally, one must be at least 18 years old to join a convent and begin the process of becoming a nun. Some convents may have specific age requirements beyond 18.

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Saint Therese of Lisieux became a Carmelite nun at age 15.

What age was St. Therese when she became a nun?

She entered the convent at the age of 15.

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She felt that god was calling her to become a nun at the age of twelve so at 18 she became a nun and at 21 she made her vows to be a nun.

Who was the nun guda?

Guda was a Korean Buddhist nun known for her enlightenment experience and teachings on the inherent Buddha-nature in all beings. She is considered an important figure in Korean Buddhism for her mystical insights and contributions to the spread of the dharma.

When did St. Hilda become a nun?

Hilda became a nun at age 33 about the year 647. The precise date is not available.

Is there a ceremony for becoming a nun?

Yes, there is a ceremony known as the ordination or consecration of a nun, where she takes vows of chastity, poverty, and obedience. This ceremony is often rich in ritual and tradition, with important symbolic gestures marking the nun's commitment to a religious life.