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Yes, a horses bones are many more times dense than a humans. A horse on average weights at least 7x more than a human and runs at much greater speeds, which means the horse needs much stronger bones. Though a horses front leg bones below the knee (Called Cannon bones) are sometimes only 7 inches in circumference, about the same thickness of a human wrist. A horse should have 7 inches of cannon bone per 1,000 pounds of weight.

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Q: Is there a different bone density between horses and humans?
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Horses do not have floating ribs. Humans have floating ribs. Horses all have between 14 and 18 ribs, depending on the horse size.

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Well, first of all, humans look nothing like horses. horses stand on four legs. They have a lot more energy than humans, which is why they can run for longer. Horses eat hay and other things that our teeth wouldn't be able to chew. There are lots more reasons, but to many to type all in one here.

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they have a different body structure than we do; they carry a lot of weight on their two front kegs. we have two legs, and our weight is distributed between the two, instead of four. in other words, different needs between to species.

Do floating ribs float?

Horses do not have floating ribs. Humans have floating ribs. Horses all have between 14 and 18 ribs, depending on the horse size.