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Chinchillas in the wild are rarely viewed because they are almost extinct so I dont believe

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Q: Is there a documentary in existence that shows the lives of chinchillas in their natural habitat and if so where could this be purchased?
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What is the chinchillas habbitat?

a chinchillas habitat is in the shade near trees

What is the chinchillas habitat?

Chinchillas originated in the Andes and are burrowing animal they clean themselves with the volcanic dust of this habitat they prefer more colder weather.

Do chinchillas climb trees?

No. In their native habitat, chinchillas live in burrows or crevices in rocks.

What habitat do chinchillas live in?

they live in dry places and some are pets so they live in peoples homes. anywere

Where are the chinchillas habitat?

they live on chinchilla farms or in south america.

What is the habitat of the chinchilla?

Chinchillas live in burrows in the Andes Mountains of South America.

How do chinchillas adapt to their environment?

The chinchilla has adapted by having large ears to help other preditors. Dust and sand are common in a chinchillas habitat. So they will clean themselves, chinchillas either gather in groups to help groom each other or roll around in the volcanic dust found mostly in their habitat. Though chinchillas mostly feed on hay if they are bought as a pet, in the wild, they know to nibble to keep their teeth trim and healthy.

Can chinchillas live in NH?

They can long as they have a below 75 degree habitat they can live almost anywhere

Do chinchillas live in the tundra?

No... in their native habitat chinchillas live in the Andes Mountains of South America. They live in a dry habitats like S. Chile, Peru, N. Bolivia and in deserts. Also they like crevices, between rocks burrows and caves. Hope this helps!

Are chinchillas really allowed to eat pop tarts?

Pop tarts? Yes! South America is the native habitat for chinchillas. There, the wild chinchillas eat fruit. Pop tarts are toaster pastries which are matted inside two layers of thin pastry (bread) crust. It can be filled with fruit, which chinchillas are allowed to eat, and it is surrounded by bread, which they are also allowed to eat.

What is the chinchillas habits?

A chinchilla's natural habitat is in the Andes mountains in Peru. They do not reside high in the mountains or low in the mountains, but usually in the middle where the temperature is most comfortable. Chinchillas also live in cages around the world as pets.

Is the chinchilla endangared?

Wild chinchillas lived in a fairly small area of South America. Loss of habitat to development and being hunted for their fur has made them in danger of extinction. This does not apply to farm raised chinchillas that are raised for their fur.