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No, but a finger joint is part of your anatomy.

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Q: Is there a finger joint called anatomy?
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What are finger joints are called?

hinge joint

What is the joint in your fingers called?

Finger joints are condyloid joints.It is the Hinge Jointthey are called proximal interphilangeal jointsThe joint of the finger can be called the knuckle or saddle joint for the thumb.Hope that helped.hinge jointsSynovial joints .

Which wood joint is named after part of birds anatomy?

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What is a part of your body where two bones move called?

A Joint (I)?! Elbow, hip, knee, finger, jaw, neck, ankle A Joint (I)?!

Is a butt joint stronger then a finger joint?

yes it is alot stronger than a finger joint as it is tightly compact pressed together(:

What type of joint connects the shoulder blade (scapula) and the collarbone (clavicle)?

Its a question of Medical Anatomy (human anatomy), but not in the category of MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY. To the author: put your questions in the proper place at proper category! answer: Clavicula (clavicle in eng.) meets with Scapula at Shoulder joint

What is the definition of a finger joint?

The finger joint (also known as a comb joint) is made by cutting a set of complementary rectangular cuts in two pieces of wood, which are then glued. To visualize a finger joint simply interlock the fingers of your hands at a ninety degree angle; hence the name "finger joint."

Do sharks have bones in their anatomy?

False, they have something called cartilage. Try bending your ear or nose with your finger, you have cartilage there, too!

What is something relevant about the finger joint?

it is a hinge joint

What is the name for the place where two bones meet?

It is called a joint which is surronded by cartilage and ligaments.

What is the medical term meaning the skin between your thumb and index finger?

The area between the thumb and index finger (digitus secundus manus, pointer finger, or forefinger), is called the thenar space. The skin is called webbing. In other sources it is called thumb webbing. The muscles at the base of the thumb form the thenar eminence.

Does the finger have an immovable joint?

The answer, simply no. A joint's function is to move - if it were unable to, then it would not be a joint.