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Q: Is there a giant insect related to the cockroach living on your ocean floors?
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Why are cockroach called living fossils of live?

It is called so because it is the oldest winged insect alive. Its fossils are 350 million years old.

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What do people know about cockroach robots?

"Cockroach Controlled Mobile Robot" is an experimental robotic system that translates the bodily movements of a living, organic insect into the physical locomotion of a three-wheeled robot. Distance sensors at the front of the robot also provide navigation feedback to the cockroach, striving to create a pseudo-intelligent system with the cockroach as the CPU. This project is motivated by three key concepts: 1. Biomimetics, 2. The Cyborg, and 3. The Computational/Biological.

What is the most difficult living thing to kill?

A cockroach.

Why cockroach die?

because its a living thing and every living things dies at some point.

Does a cockroach have a soul?

Every living thing has a soul without a doubt

is a wasp a living or non living thing?

Living it’s a insect

Is a muddy lake bottom a living thing?

No, there might be organisms living in it, but it itself is not a living thing. The reason is because floors and sea floors cannot live nor can many other things.

What specimens are both living and non living?

living an insect non living a brick

Is cockroach oldest living species?

No...the horseshoe crab is the oldest living species..some 400million yrs old...and in fishes its coelacanth which is some 350 million yrs old..Cockroach is regarded as the most sucessful species

Can cockroach live in complete darkness?

yes, well, if they have food to keep them living.

Is the Tropical stick insect the largest insect in the world?

no! the stick insect is not the largest insect living but the longest insect living today.....