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There have been few studies about the impact of the glycemic index diet on weight loss after a year or more. But some evidence suggests that a diet higher in protein and lower on the glycemic index may lead to sustained weight loss. You can visit

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Q: Is there a glycemic diet that I can go on to help with my blood sugar?
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Are glycemic index diets effective?

The glycemic index diet will give you the ability to know and control your blood sugar. This will in tern help you lose weight, and feel healthier.

Why does the blood sugar of a person with low carbohydrate diet remain stable?

Blood sugar stability has to do with what types of carbohydrates that someone eats. There's a tool called the glycemic index that rates carbohydrates on how they change blood sugar levels. Some carbohydrates are low on the glycemic index, meaning that they don't spike blood sugar, and they help blood sugar stay consistent for a long period of time (several hours). However, some types of carbohydrates will spike blood sugar and cause the body to need to release insulin to regulate the blood sugar. So a person on a low carb diet can remain stable if they are eating carbs from the low end of the glycemic index.

Where can i find a low glycemic diet?

A low glycemic diet will help diabetics by regulating blood sugars. It also works to encourage weight loss for those on the South Beach or Zone diets. Info can be found at

How do low glycemic foods help your health?

Low glycemic index foods have a lot of nutrition but not a lot of sugar that will increase your blood glucose.

Where can I find a diet designed for diabetics that will help lower high blood sugar?

The best guide so far for helping diabetics control their blood sugar levels is the glycemic index. Here is the link to the official page: and here is more guidance:

What does glycemic index measure?

The Glycemic Index is a measure of how quickly carbohydrates in the foods you eat are absorbed into the bloodstream and raise your blood sugar levels. Pure glucose (sugar) has a Glycemic Index of 100, and other foods are given their Glycemic Index ratings accordingly. Eating foods with low Glycemic Indices can help lower blood sugar, resulting in weight loss and lowered risk of diabetes and heart disease.

Will the glycemic index diet help diabetics?

Most diabetics eat low glycemic index foods, which are good for you. It not only helps control diabetics It can also help even out blood glucose levels.

Is the glycemic impact diet good for people with diabetes?

Glycemic impact diets are a proven method to help people who suffer from Diabetes. Low GI carbs improve diabetes management. This diet helps maintain healthy insulin levels in your system and will help prevent sugar spikes.

What are natural ways to regulate bloodsugar?

Exercise and following a glycemic index diet can help control blood sugar levels. All foods have a glycemic index score which goes by the sugar contained and the effects on the body's sugar level. Higher levels with index scores of 70 or higher should be avoided like white bread and white potatoes. A good book such as Sugar Busters would help you decide which foods to use in your daily life.

What is the low glycemic diet and is it healthy?

The glycemic diet focuses on eating foods with low glycemic indexes. This type of diet can help control insulin levels, heart conditions, and cause weight loss. The low glycemic fodds are easier to digest in your body.

Using a Glucose Meter to Adjust Your Diet?

A glucose meter is used to test how much sugar is in your blood. Knowing your blood sugar levels can be useful for diabetics or anyone following a low-glycemic diet. Most people experience a rise in blood sugar after a meal, and this rise can be especially high if you eat carbohydrates. Using a glucose monitor after each meal can help you determine which foods cause a blood sugar spike. If you check your blood sugar with a glucose monitor and find that it is too high, you might try eating something high in protein and healthy unsaturated fats, such as a handful of nuts, to help even it out.

What does the sugar solution diet consist of?

The sugar solution diet is a specific diet that you can use to keep your blood sugar at a stable and steady level. This specific type of diet is designed to help teach how to mantain a balanced diet. Also, this specific type of diet will help you reduce how much sugar you eat on a daily basis.