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i am 11 and so i don't really know... probably not

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Q: Is there a highr risk to get pregnant if he came inside you two time in one week?
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Can you still be pregnant if your period came on 2 days after your boyfriend precame inside you?

That close to your period, it's hard to tell. Precum always carries the risk of getting you pregnant too, but if you're concerned, pick up a pregnancy test to be sure.

Can You get pregnant if sperm comes or back of condom?

Yes, if it leaked inside the vagina you could get pregnant. Using condoms with spermicide will cut some of this risk.

Can you get a girl pregnant with a clean penis?

If you are having an erection and is not inside her there is still a risk if you rub it against her since there is pre-ejaculate coming out when you are aroused. If you are inside fo her there is def a risk. The semen comes from the inside so being clean is irrelevant.

Could you get pregnant from precu if yhuu only did it 4 a seconed?

Yes, if a man is inside you unprotected there is always a risk.

Can you get pregnant in 5 minutes?

It takes a few days to get pregnant but if you mean that he is inside of you, then yes there is a risk. You can use the morning after pill for 72 hours after sex to prevent pregnancy.

Can you still get pregnant by your boyfriend cames out in me in crampin in the same time?

If he has been inside you without protection there is a risk for pregnancy, even if he does not ejaculate in you.

If you have sperm on you and re enter a female can she get pregnant?

There is little risk of the sperm on you making her pregnant as it does not take long for sperm to die out in the open, (a few seconds). however the stuff that is hiding inside your urethra is another story. While the risk is a lot smaller it does exist.

Can you be pregnant if the guy ejaculated inside 2 days after your finished your period?

Yes you can still get pregnant if a guy came inside of you EVEN though you had just finished your period two days ago. You could even get pregnant the last days of your period. You will not know you are pregnant until 2 weeks after which is the earliest you can take the test. Remember there is always the morning after pill up to 72 hours after. No matter what your contraceptive is (birth control, condoms, etc) there is a risk for pregnancy especially if he is ejaculating inside of you each time. If you dont want to be pregnant don't let him come inside of you and only let him to that if your on the pill (its 99.9% effective.) Be careful timing of when your period comes and goes and know that right after your period your not safe from becoming pregnant, and any time in between your cycle you still have a possibility of getting pregnant.

Can a girl get pregnant if the guy pulls out and he doesnt have pre-ejaculate?

Sperms are too tiny to tell whether any got inside you or not, or whether at any point of intercourse any got inside you or not. Whether he has pre-ejaculate on his penis after pulling out or not is not relevant. There is a tiny risk that some sperms got inside you and get you pregnant.

Why shouldn't you smoke when you are pregnant?

Because the baby has a high risk of dying inside the others vagina and the baby does not grow in the mothers belly it is grown in the vagina.

Your fiance came inside of you and you were not on birth control at the moment but the next day you took a birth control pill so can you be pregnant?

It depends. If you are regularly on birth control and just forgot it that day, it is not likely but it is very possible. If you are not regularly on birth control and took the pill the day after, then yes, you can be pregnant, since usually you have to be on the pill for 2-4 weeks before a man can ejaculate into a woman without the risk of getting her pregnant.

Can you get pregnant if a guy comes outside of the girl than wipes it off with a towel and re-enters the girl with his penis?

There is always a risk when the penis is inside. Unless you want to risk pregnancy never ever be inside without a condom. Pre-ejaculate can also contain sperm and inside the urethra there can also be sperms left after the ejaculation.