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Probably you mean temperature, rather than heat. And the temperature is more related to a particle's ENERGY than to its SPEED. I believe the degrees of freedom also have something to do with it - something like, average kinetic energy per particle and degree of freedom. Anyway, even though more speed means more energy, larger particles will move more slowly for the same kinetic energy - and therefore they will be slower at the same temperature. Also, while the speed is limited to the speed of light, there is practically no limit to the kinetic energy a particle can have.

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Q: Is there a limit to heat since heat is the speed that particles move at there has got to be a limit because of the speed of light?
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Why did the volcanic ash go in the air not on the ground?

The volcanic ash goes in the air because, they are air-borne materials/particles, and can easily and conviniently be carried and transported by wind, since they are light and not as dense as lava.

How did they find the size of the universe?

At present, the size of our Universe is unknown. Because light can travel no more than about 300,000 kilometers per second, and because light has only been traveling to us since the time of recombination; there is a limit on how much of our Universe we can see. How much larger is our Universe, beyond what we can presently see, is a matter of speculation.

Why electoron revolve round the neucleus?

since electrons are negative and protons are posotive, the subatomic particles attract because of the opposite charges

How fast does an object need to move to break the speed of sound?

Light travels at 186,000 miles per second, which means you have to travel faster than that to break the light barrier. This feat is technically "impossible", since the faster you move, the more mass you have and the more mass you have, the more energy is required to move you, and by the time you reach the speed of light, you will need to have infinite energy. This doesn't apply to light particles, since they have no mass.

What are the rule that governs the directions of the diffusion of particles?

A law of conservation called "The Conservation of Momentum.' This law underwent severe criticism at it's introduction in the scientific community, because particles in accelerators did not seem to conserve their momentum. it has since been proven that the discrepancy is made up for by the tiny, hard-to-detect neutrino particles.

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