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The answer is yes. Patients with Acute bacterial prostatitis have an acute urinary tract infection with increased urinary frequency and urgency, need to urinate a lot at night, and have pain in the pelvis and genital area. They often have fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, and burning when urinating. Acute bacterial prostatitis requires prompt treatment, as the condition can lead to bladder infections, abscesses in the prostate or, in extreme cases, completely blocked urine flow. Left untreated, the condition can cause confusion and low blood pressure, and may be fatal.

So if some one has the prostatitis , he should treat it as soon as possible. And some herbal medicine can be a better choice.

Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill is a good herbal medicine forprostatitis. It can eradicate nonbacterial prostatitis and doesn't have any side effects. In general, sufferers can recover within three months.

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