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Q: Is there a link with the time of exposure and damage to hearing?
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Can timpanists get deaf or lose part of their hearing?

It is possible for a timpanists to lose their hearing over a period of time. Exposure to loud music over a long period of time can damage hearing and result in hearing loss.

Do earbud headphones damage your hearing?

If you turn the volume up too loud, they will damage your hearing over time.

Why do workmen who uses drills suffer hearing loss?

Hearing loss can be caused by any number of things. Individuals who use loud equipment, including power tools, for a living have a higher propensity for hearing loss. This is because exposure to loud noise, especially for a prolonged period of time, can damage cells in the hearing organ (cochlea) that are responsible for hearing. Unfortunately, this type of hearing loss is permanent and irreversible. Therefore, it is important to always use hearing protections (ear muffs, or ear plugs) when around loud noise.For more information on Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) see the related link for an article by the Center for Disease Control.

What are the consequences from ear damage?

you risk the chance of losing your hearing and if not hearing loss then your ears will be more proned to quicker hearing loss or your hearing will decrease quicker over time.

Is there a correlation to the amount of time of loudness of music I can hear and the effects it has on my hearing capabilities?

Yes, loud sounds for extended periods can damage your hearing.

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Why does you hearing change as you get older?

The reason why your hearing changes as you get older is due to the changes that occur in the inner ear, with age. It is thought that genetics and exposure to loud music over a period of time can have an effect on hearing loss as one gets older.

What db does hearing damage begin at?

When your ears get more then the loudness of 85 dB for a longer time it is dangerous.

How can loud sounds damage hearing?

Yes, because over time your hearing can go if you always listen to loud sounds or if you stand in font of a speaker on full blast.

What can you do to reduce the effects of noise on your Soldiers?

Ensure your Soldiers wear earplugs, do not remove inserts from aircraft helmets, avoid unnecessary exposure, limit necessary exposure to short periods of time, and clean hearing protectors

Can decibel levels over 100 cause loss of hearing?

Noise related hearing loss id a real problem in many jobs and hobbies. At 100 dB the permitted exposure time is just15 minute. Many worker's health organizations have established limits for expire and protective equipment required for working in noisy environments. (See Link)

What are thedangersofpowerfuloudspeakers?

The high decibels from powerful loudspeakers can damage your hearing over a long time. Such damage is often found in band members that play music loudly.