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Spain has a problem with the Basques who want indipendence, and there have been attacks by Muslims however Spain is a very safe country.

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Q: Is there a lot of terrorism in Spain and if so who are the terrorists?
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What is the cause and effect of terrorism?

Terrorists have there religion and beliefs and think America is trying to take over the world. They think dying for there god Allah will bring them to a good afterlife. That is why terrorists suicide bomb. Terrorism is also just what the people have grown up with and are accustom too so it seems normal for them. Because the terrorism lives have been taken. Terrorist also bring poverty and destroy places of education wherever they go.

Why is international terrorism more severe?

Because Iadeiana,Fatima and Farhanah is going to make an explosive nd bomb everyone. There all terrorists so beware!

Why is terrorism used?

The terrorists want to cause us fear. And because many of them don't like how the peoples government is run so they cause terror and hope they can change it.

What country in the Middle East was accused of sponsoring terrorism?

Answer 1Saudi Arabia is accused of sponsoring terrorism by promoting Wahhabism. also it depends on who defined who is terrorist. Israel and USA call Iran and Hezbollah as terrorists and Iran calls Zionists who attack and occupy Palestine and kill Palestinian women and children in Gaza as terrorists and USA as supporter of terrorism and consider activities of Hezbollah as legitimate defense against Israel. so it is important firstly that who you select as the reference for defining terrorists. for evidences and more information about Wahhabi and terrorism please refer to below Sources and Related links:Answer 2Nearly every major country in the Middle East supports terror. Most notably, Saudi Arabia and Iran support large numbers of terrorist and paramilitary organizations. Terrorism is also very common in Iraq, the Palestinian Territories, and Lebanon due to support from Saudi Arabia and Iran.

How many muslim terrorist sleeper cells are now located in the US?

The question could not be answered for two reasons:Assuming that there are Muslim sleeper cells, then how you would know their number as they are sleeper cells.Why you don't ask also about Christian sleeper cells especially that you know that many terrorist attacks happened in the Us by American Christian terrorists.It is to be recognized that no relation between Islam and terrorism. Refer to related question below. However, it is the non Muslim Media that when a terrorist attack happens by Muslims it is published that Muslim terrorists made so and so. While the attacks happen by Christian or Jewish terrorists it is published that American or of some citizenship terrorists made so and so and never referred to as Christian or Jewish terrorists. This raises the impression to people that terrorism is related to Islam which is not true.

Why do people mine blood diamonds?

Blood diamonds are diamonds used to support wars, terrorism and mayhem against humans in the areas of the world that are in upheaval. People mine them -- usually at gunpoint or under threat of death or dismemberment -- because the terrorists' world buys the diamonds so the terrorists can buy more guns.

Does the Clash of Civilizations explain the rise of Islamic terrorism?

There is no such thing as Islamic terrorism, it is a made up term. Islam and terrorism are two separate things. If you are a terrorist, you can't be a Muslim because Islam doesn't allow terrorism. So as the term Islamic terrorism doesn't exist, nothing caused it. Terrorism as a term exists on its own and its caused by greed, power and wanting to degrade another country or religion. It is very amazing that when Muslims resisting occupants of their lands they are called by media and westerners Muslim terrorists. However, when non Muslims commit massacres against Muslims, those non Muslims are called defending themselves. Recall the massacres happened to Muslims in Bosnia, in Lebanon, in Palestine, in Chechen, ... . I doubt that you can find one single example of a massacre done by Muslims to non Muslims. Think deliberately and fairly who are the real terrorists in this world.

Is Terrorism a tactic used only by Arab Muslims?

It most certainly is not! By far, most Muslims, Arab or otherwise, are peaceful people. Terrorism is a term usually used by those in power against anyone who opposes them. Be it physical terrorism or otherwise. Many governments and individuals within governments today started as 'terrorists'. When they lose they remain 'terrorists', when they win they become the new government and become 'reformers', 'freedom fighters' etc., and call others terrorists. Terrorism has been used the Tamil Tigers (Hindus in Sir Lanka), the Irish Republican Army (Catholics in Ireland), the Irgun (Jews in the British Palestine), the Lord's Resistance Army (quasi-Christian Animists in Uganda), etc. It just so happens, that Arab Muslim terror organizations, such as al-Qaeda have turned their sights towards the United States which brings them into Americans' purview.

How many terrorism attacks in Russia?

32 a year there is a lot of terrorist there. So if you go there be sure to be careful at the airport. You never know.

Why does government allow terrororists on planes with normal people?

Most governments, including the governments of the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, and France, actively try to prevent terrorists from getting on planes. The United States actually has a "no-fly list" which includes persons suspected of terrorism. Unfortunately, terrorists do not wear signs on their head saying "I'm a terrorist", so sometimes the government is unaware that someone is a terrorist and allows them to fly just like all other people who are not suspected of terrorism.

Why are some people afraid of Muslims?

People are afraid of Muslims because of terrorism. Comment: PEOPLE GET ONE THING Straight! Muslims are not terrorists. people who are terrorists are not Muslim. In the Quran it says not to fight . In the Islamic pillars it says nothing about fighting . SO WHY ARE YOU AFRAID! Quran [9:29] You shall fight back against those who do not believe in GOD

Why is terrorism so hard to fight?

Because they don't wear uniforms and live among the native populations.Answer:There is no easy defintion of terrorism to use by those wishing to enforce antiterrorism controls. The same activites done by "our" side would be defined as terrorism by an impartial observer. The recent wars in the middle east have seen random killings, abductions, bombing of civilians, and general disregard for human dignety by all sides.Too often drives to eliminate terrorism are driven by people with an unspecified agends. There actions are so extreme that the population of non-terrorists is converted to terroism as a response to those actions.