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Terrorists have there religion and beliefs and think America is trying to take over the world. They think dying for there god Allah will bring them to a good afterlife. That is why terrorists suicide bomb. Terrorism is also just what the people have grown up with and are accustom too so it seems normal for them.

Because the terrorism lives have been taken. Terrorist also bring poverty and destroy places of education wherever they go.

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Q: What is the cause and effect of terrorism?
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What is the cause for terrorism?

Terrorists ( called "freedom fighters" when they are on our side) feel that they have no weapon but their willingness to die for their cause. What causes terrorism is official intransigence, disenfranchisement and persecution.

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lf you had a closer look at an scene in a terrorism bombing, you will see maimed children and other innocent persons.

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There are hudnreds of ways in which terrorism effect the police, fistly, police have to get much more training now and they will be told what to do in certain eventualities, police get more powers when it comes to terrorism. This means spending more money and the governmenet allocating the police more funding.

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Federally defined acts of terrorism which cause physical damage to your property.

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Defining terrorism has always been difficult. One of the criteria for an act being considered a terrorist act is often the use of violence for the furtherence of political or social goals. Political terrorism specifically refers to terrorism whose goal is to effect political change.

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Terrorism is the main cause of blood diamonds. Blood diamonds are illegally sold to fund terrorism and wars. I have added a link to a complete article about blood diamonds which has more information.

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the different between cause and effect.... cause=what cause the problem or what cause it to become a problem effect=what effect did it have on it hope that help u(:

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