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Q: Is there a map of ancient Aztec trade routes?
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Where can you find a map of ancient Aztec trading routes?

On google you dummy

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i need 1 to

How are trade routes shown on this map?


Which type of media would be best for showing global trade routes?

Answer this question… Map

Is interdependence illustrated in the trade routes east to west map?

Yes, interdependence is illustrated in the trade routes east to west map. The map shows the interconnected trading routes between different regions, indicating the reliance and interdependence of various societies on each other for trade and commerce. It highlights how goods, ideas, and cultures were exchanged across vast distances, creating a global network of interdependent economies.

Where can you find a map for the Maya trade routes?

on the following website folks!

Why is slavery in the Americas referred to as the triangular trade?

The Triangular Trade was a route to receive slaves. It got its name from the three routes that formed a triangle on the world map.

Look at the map. Which of the labeled civilizations used its access to Indian Ocean trade routes to profit from trade between Asia and Europe?

i hope its the same for you: Civilization D

Look at the map. Which of the labeled civilizations used its access to Indian Ocean trade routes to profit from trade between Asia and Europe?

i hope its the same for you: Civilization D

Which ocean was navigated and map by Europeans while looking for new trade routes to the spice Islands?

Atlantic Ocean

What do you do with the route map in Pokemon SoulSilver?

It's a map with routes to look at. They are pokewalker routes to take strolls on with your pokemon.

Which best explains the reason for the changes in political boundaries across the pacific ocean shown on this map?

the desire for coaling stations along key trade routes.