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Though some people have a phobia of Jewellery, there is no specific name for a phobia of bracelets

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Q: Is there a phobia of tight bracelets cutting off the circulation in your wrists?
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How do we call those things we wear on our risk?

bracelets are worn on wrists

How can you find someone who wears sex bracelets?

I'd suppose you look at a lot of wrists.

What phobia is the fear of veins and wrists?

CarpophobiaIt is the fear of anything.the prefix actually.

How to cover up cuts on wrists without bracelets make up or long sleeves?

my opinion is to stop cutting and y wont have to cover it up but ive been there many times with cuts on my wrist but wat i did to cover them is nothing people dont really look at ur wrist just keep there eyes on everthing other than ur wrists

What wrist does a guy that is not gay wear a bracelet?

The same wrist that a guy that is gay wears it.But if you follow that urban myth then heterosexuals wear bracelets on their right wrists.

Is it weird to like the scars on your wrists from cutting?

Well, it matters if you ment th e cut to happen, if so your emo.

What is the phobia of fear of veins?

VENEPHOBIA. One with venephobia usually can't stand looking at their own wrists, hands, or neck, fearing of seeing their own veins and arteries.

What phobia is the fear of veins?

VENEPHOBIA. One with venephobia usually can't stand looking at their own wrists, hands, or neck, fearing of seeing their own veins and arteries.

What Christian song would best describe someone who cuts their wrist?

Skillet's song 'The Last Night' has the lyrics, 'You come to me with scars on your wrists".Most Christian bands do not sing about anger and cutting their wrists because they are angry.

How do you make Medusa's bracelets from Soul Eater?

Get a metal rod, heat it really hot wrap it around a metal pipe a little bigger than your wrists. and dunk it in water to harden.

Can you die from cutting your wrist?

Yes, your blood can clot in time or otherwise stop.

Can the use of gliding exercise prevent carpal tunnel surgery?

Tendon glide exercises can reduce swelling caused by carpal tunnel syndrome by increasing circulation to the wrists and hands. Swelling and inflammation in the hands and wrists can lead to carpal tunnel syndrome.