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No. The best way to lose fat is through proper diet and exercise.

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Q: Is there a pill that attacks fat cells only?
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Does the pill Nissan get weed out of your system?

Yes. THC is stored in your fat cells not your blatter there fore the pills will burn away your fat cells

Are there blood cells in fat?

Fat is only adipose tissue. No blood cells here.

Do humans make brown fat cells?

Brown fat only occurs in baby's and infants

How long does it take for any pill used only once to be out of you're urine?

Most pills arewater-soluble, which means they go through your system during a 24? hour period and are out of your system within a day or two. If taking a drug test, I personally would give myself 3 days for certainty. However, if the pill is stored in your fat cells, such as does marijuana, it will stay in your system longer. Find out if the pill you are curious about is fat or water-soluble and you will know.

What is the best fat flush pill?

There is not one specific fat flush pill that is considered to be the best. They all have pros and cons to them. The best thing to do is consult a physician before taking any fat flush pill.

At what age aaprox does fat cell production stop?

Fat cell production does not stop at any age. You can create new fat cells throughout your entire lifetime. If you have an unhealthy diet this forces your body to create new fat cells to store the excess fat in; once these fat cells are created they never leave your body, they will only shrink.

Does ciprofloxacin remove fat cells?

Liposuction is the only thing that removes fat cells from the body. Some studies suggest that HGH supplementation over long periods of time may also remove fat cells from the body, but that is not safe, so not recommended.

Why are muscle cells smaller than fat cells?

Muscles cells are smaller than fat cells because they are more dense. These cells are more condensed than fat cells.

Do fat cells have Vacuole?

yes fat cells have vacuole

Yellow bone marrow has a large percentage of what?

fat cells that create red blood cells

Where are fat cells in your body?

Fat cells are located just under the skin. Fat cells store unused food. When your body is not getting enough nutrients, your body takes them from the fat cells.

Do you need a certain number of fat cells to maintain life?

You can not survive without some fat in your body. You have only 300 grams of glycogen in your body. You need to get energy from the fat from the fat cells in your body. You can not get continuous supply of food material from the gastrointestinal system. But then to carry the load of fat is ridiculous.