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Q: Is there a pitbull called double nickarena?
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Is there a pitbull called a wallas pitbull?

He is a rescued pit bull. In the related links box below, I posted the website.

What is drake bells dog called?

Fluffy. She is a pitbull

What is a common name for a pitbull?


What is harder a pitbull or a staphe?

A pitbull. Its also not called a "Staphe" its a "Staff" short for "Staffordshire Bull Terrier" which is also known as "SBT".

Pitbull and rottwierle mixed is called?

I call mine a rottnpitt

Is there a pitbull bloodline called brujo?

Brujo is a backyard bloodline.

Why is pitbull called mr worldwide?

He travles all over the world so he is called Mr.WORLDwide. :)

Does Cher Lloyd have a dog?

Cher Lloyd has a chihuahua called Barbie and a pitbull called Sharon.

Does Pitbull have a pitbull?

No, he does not.

Which dog is called the king of dogs?

its the pitbull because its the meanest strongest dog there is.

Who sings timber?

Ke$ha and that generic bald guy called Pitbull.