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Q: Is there a possibility for an inactive volcano to erupt?
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Definition of active and inactive volcano?

An active volcano is one that could erupt anytime,but an inactive volcano means that it's kind of ''asleep''.So it will not erupt.

Give a simple answer of an inactive volcano?

An inactive volcano is one which has erupted in the past, but which is not expected to erupt again.

What are the active and inactive volcanoes?

An inactive volcano is an extinct volcano basically one that does not erupt anymore however an active volcano is a volcano which still erupts.

What is the different of active and inactive volcano?

Active Volcano erupts from time to time while a inactive volcano hasn't erupted in a long while and may not erupt in the future again. But your never sure if a volcano is truly inactive or not!

What is it called when a volcano is currently inactive but may erupt in the future?

it is called a dormat volcano

What is it called when a volcano is unlikley to erupt again?

Inactive, dormant, wishful thinking.

What is the difference of an active volcano and a dormant volcano?

An active volcano is one which maintains a hot magma chamber, so that it might erupt anytime in the future. An inactive (extinct or dormant) contains mainly cooled lava and is not likely to erupt unless there is a new supply of hot magma.

How many times does a volcano erupt in its life?

There is no limit to how many times a volcano can erupt. Some volcanos erupt constantly and some volcanos are inactive.

What does it mean if volcano is active?

you can get active, dormant (or sleeping) and inactive volcanoes. an active volcano is one that is very likely to erupt in the future and still has magma in it. a dormant (or sleeping) volcano is one that has not erupted for the past thousand-or-so years, but can still erupt an inactive volcano is highly unlikely to ever erupt again. every volcano will eventually become inactive. at one time, there were volcano in the UK, but they have all died out now (or become inactive) !!

What inactive volcano?

Active volcanoes still have the ability to erupt. Inactive are essentially ex-volcanoes, just big mounds.

What do you mean by active and inactive volcano?

Active volcanoes are likely to erupt at any time where as inactive volcanoes are 'asleep' or haven't erupted much in the past and are unlikely to erupt in the near future.

What is volcano that erupts often?

Volcanic activity is classified by how often a volcano erupts. A volcano may be active, intermittent, dormant, or extinct.Active volcanoes erupt constantly.Intermittent volcanoes erupt fairly regularly.Dormant volcanoes are inactive, but not long enough to determine whether they will erupt again or not.Extinct volcanoes have been inactive since the beginning of recorded history.